Wednesday, September 29, 2010

who is the victim?

This passage is about a undocumented farmer and the Republican nominee for California governor Meg Whitman. She is now suing the governor of financial abuse, for been disrespected, and exploitation. She says that she was not paying her good enough and now that she ask her for help to fix her residential status she just fired her. One of my thoughts is that she has been working for them for about 9 years and how come she never said anything about what was happening to her and she is now saying all of this exactly when Whitman is running?She says that she treat her as a piece of trash, but she was not actually employed personally by Whitman. She was hired by some company that send her to Whitman house. The house keeper also lied about her status and she comes now after all this years saying all of this and wants Whitman help. The nominee governor did not knew about this and this company that send the house keeper runs like a company that get anybody and lied about their immigration status in order to get them jobs. Yes, there was a law that would help their boss get their employees paper but not anymore so why does she ask her for help. How would she help her? She now comes confessing that she was illegal and that she had falsified the hiring documents and personal information she provided to the employment agency that brought her to us in 2000. This is a big crime in front of the eyes of America and she also admitted that she had done fraud in which I think that she should not be doing this because I'm not saying that she is nobody but she should of not done this because she does not have paper, falsified her documents and last but not least she never said this before and wait until now. “As required by law, once we learned she was an illegal worker, I immediately terminated Nicky's employment. It was one of the hardest things I've ever done. I considered Nicky a friend and a part of our extended family.” stated by Meg Whitman. In my opinion I think she did good but in the other I think that sometimes we do anything it takes to have a job and we all come here to have a better life but we should be humbles.


  1. Karina this article was very interesting, whitmans house keeper keeping a secrect like that must have been tough for her. And what you said was true, people try to keep things to themselves so that i wont back fire, sometimes its worth losing something than having it but not enjoying it at all. I hope you find more interesting articles maybe this time you might want to do a political cartoon of Meg Whitman...

  2. I agree with jazi because, they go through out tough times and they are scare to sue other people that are in a high class of them. specially she was an immigrant which i think most of the people are scare to sue somebody just because they don't have papers and they fear to go back to their country. but I still have my opinion that she should of done that before and not now. also yes is worth it losing something but i think she should thought about it because they are a the middle of campaigns and this can also go against her in a way that people would think that she only wants money.
